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We are excited to introduce new content on our site to educate you on a variety of career opportunities and what it takes to land the job you desire. We will share information on topics such as stigma in the workplace, transferable skills, the pros and cons of disclosing your disability, workplace etiquette, current trends in interviewing, resume building and furthering your education. In addition, we will feature our “Career Spotlight” to showcase a career, the qualifications and physical demands for the job, educational background (if needed), salary range and qualifications to make sure you are well-informed to make the best decision for you. Living with a disability is challenging but obtaining your career goals are possible. Support, education and self-care can set you up for success.   

Please check back every other Wednesday for new articles and join our newsletter to stay abreast on events, benefits and career information. Don’t forget to connect with the Maryland Employment Network on Facebook.