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Do you want to follow-up with an employer after your interview but unsure of the best way to communicate? You may be really eager about the job, and employers want to know that you are committed and excited. However, you do not want to risk agitating the hiring manager by being overzealous, which could ruin your chances of getting the job.  Here are a few tips that can help you on how to follow-up with an employer.

Ask Questions

First, you can ask about the next steps in the hiring process so you can have a timeline of when you should hear back. This will help you to determine a follow-up schedule. You can even ask about the company’s preferred method of follow-up because maintaining communication isn’t one-size-fits-all. For example, in some industries, it is considered poor form to show up at the place of business to follow up on an interview, while others may welcome it. Calls to the hiring manager rather than to an HR department, are sometimes considered overbearing and invasive. However, small businesses don’t often have HR departments and the hiring manager may be the only point of contact. Asking about the preferred method of follow-up can help you to stay in touch, without reducing your chances of getting the job.

Say Thank You

Email is generally a widely accepted method of following up, so within 24 hours, send a thank you email to express your gratitude for being considered for the position, and briefly highlight your excitement and skillset. 

For example:

Hello, (Interviewer’s Name),

It was a pleasure meeting you and your team today. I am confident that my five years of cashier experience, communication skills, and eagerness to help customers will be a great asset to the team. Thank you for your consideration and time today. 

I look forward to hearing from you. 

Warm Regards, 

(Insert Your Name)


After you send a thank you email, wait a few weeks and if you have not heard anything, send an email to ask where they are in the process. Don’t be pushy, sound angry, or desperate even if you really want the job. Employers are busy and in some cases, they are managing other responsibilities besides recruitment.

For example:

Hi, (Insert Employer’s Name),

I am following up to see where you are in the hiring process. During our interview, you mentioned that you were completing interviews and scheduling second interviews on April 19 and 20th. I look forward to speaking with you.

Warm Regards,

(Insert Your Name) 

Following-up is a great way to demonstrate your interest in the company and the position. It can help you stand out from other candidates and increase your chances of getting an offer!