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Services to beneficiaries

Building the future

The MD-EN has an in-house team of expert staff dedicated to helping individuals with finding and/or keeping employment.

Career Consultations

Looking for work can often feel like an overwhelming job itself! Our talented and dedicated Career Consultant can provide assistance with:

  • Resume and Cover Letter development
  • Goal Setting
  • Interview tips and support
  • Identifying jobs that match your individual preferences
  • Job Placement
  • Income Reporting
  • Advocacy
  • Ongoing support with job maintenance and assistance with advancement
  • Post-Employment Services
  • Preparation of Individual Work Plan (IWP)  (The IWP is a written document signed by both the client and the service provider detailing how they will pursue the beneficiary’s employment goal under the Ticket to Work program.)

Peer Counseling

It can be daunting and scary to make big changes in life, but one way to make it easier is by talking to someone who has been there. To provide additional support, we have a certified Peer Counselor on staff who can assist with:

  • Problem Solving
  • Encouraging
  • Mentoring
  • Advocacy



Social Security System Navigation Assistance

The Social Security system can be confusing and difficult to navigate. Our team of experienced Benefits Counselors can provide:

  • Verbal and written explanation of how your specific work goal will impact your benefits
  • Information about Work Incentives that may apply to you
  • Assistance with PASS Plan Development

Our team also provides:

  • Professional and courteous support and advice
  • Assistance with linkage and referral to other programs that may be beneficial to you.

Ticket to Work Program

The Ticket to Work Program, as well as the Maryland Employment Network and its partners, are voluntary programs. If you meet the eligibility criteria and need assistance to meet your goals, get started today!

If you would like to receive individualized information on how your work goal will impact your Social Security benefits, we can help! The Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS) funds intensive, individualized benefits counseling services. Simply print this form and tell your DORS counselor that you would like to work with one of our benefits counselors!

Myths About Working While Receiving Disability Benefits, December 18

Join SSA on Wednesday, December 18, 3p.m. ET for the next Ticket to Work WISE Webinar What’s the most common concern Ticketholders express about working? Are they worried about having to reapply for benefits if working isn’t right for them? Are they worried about...

Ticket to Work: Supporting Access to Good Jobs for All, October 23

Join SSA on Wednesday, October 23, 3p.m. ET for the next Ticket to Work WISE Webinar This month, SSA will be exploring this year’s theme for National Disability Employment Awareness Month: “Access to Good Jobs for All.” SSA will provide tips and tools to help in your...

Working for Yourself with Ticket to Work, Sept. 25

Join SSA on Wednesday, September 25, 3p.m. ET for the next Ticket to Work WISE Webinar This month, SSA will highlight Ticket to Work Program resources that can help Ticketholders decide if self-employment is right for them. Specifically, the webinar will cover: How...

Working From Home with Ticket to Work, August 28

Join SSA on Wednesday, August 28, 3p.m. ET for the next Ticket to Work WISE Webinar This month, SSA will highlight Ticket to Work Program resources that can help Ticketholders decide to pursue work and find work from home opportunities! Specifically, the webinar will...

Ticket to Work and Reasonable Accommodations, Wednesday, July 24, 3p.m. ET

Join SSA on July 24 for the next Ticket to Work WISE Webinar This month’s webinar will feature guest speaker, Project Director of the Northeast ADA Center, Wendy Strobel Gower, and will focus on workplace accommodations. During the webinar, SSA will share details on...

Working for Yourself with Ticket to Work, Wednesday, October 25, 3p.m. ET

Learn the answer to this question and more during our next Ticket to Work Webinar! Join SSA on Wednesday, October 25, 2023, for Working for Yourself with Ticket to Work! from 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. This month SSA will highlight Ticket to Work resources that can help...

WISE Webinar – 5 FAQ’s About Working While Receiving Disability Benefits, August 23, 3p.m. ET

Learn the answer to this question and more during our next Ticket to Work Webinar! Join SSA on Wednesday, August 23, 2023, for 5 Frequently Asked Questions About Working While Receiving Disability Benefits! SSA will discuss answers to your top questions and review how...

Reasonable Accommodations and the Employment Process, July 26, 3pm ET

Join SSA on July 26 for the next Work Incentive Seminar Event (WISE) webinar! This month’s webinar focuses on workplace accommodations. During the July webinar, SSA will share details on how individuals can succeed in job seeking or in the workplace using reasonable...

WISE Webinar — Choosing a Service Provider That’s Right for You, May 24, 3pm ET

Join SSA on May 24 for the next Work Incentive Seminar Event (WISE) webinar! This month, SSA will discuss how working with a Ticket to Work service provider can help Ticketholders as they make the decision to work, search for jobs and transition to the workplace....

WISE Webinar – Receiving Social Security Disability Benefits While you Work, March 22, 3pm ET

Join SSA on March 22 for the next Work Incentive Seminar Event (WISE) webinar! In March, SSA's WISE webinar will help answer many of the most frequently asked questions about working while receiving disability benefits. For example: What is Ticket to Work? Will I lose...


In order to be eligible for services provided by MD-EN staff you:

  • Must be between the ages of 18 and 64
  • Must be receiving either SSDI or SSI
  • Must be committed to becoming employed and work toward the possibility of becoming self-supporting and working off benefits